Saturday, August 20, 2011

iSketch Gameplay WITH Commentary

The game that plays like pictionary... only... in the internet.
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Monday, July 11, 2011

Nokia E9 phone... Fake... Or Real?!

Regarding that Nokia E9 review that we make some months ago, till now... we are still not sure whether this phone exists or did not exist. The E9 that we had was a slim designed phone...  with real metal battery cover with rubber skin on the back, Making the phone look more for business then trend due to the fact that it have classy metal back and glossy body. But in the internet, we found ANOTHER ver. of the E9..also with the Nokia logo on it. But the logo looks so real, that we are flabbergasted. It is indigo blue, with a slightly smaller screen but, with diamond keypads!(They claimed it) Is the E9 phone's existence true, or was it just made up by HK?
Even searching google shows us pic of E90 when we
search E9.... We will continue to investigate.
(Sources of the another E9 phone by via google)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nokia "E9" Phone Battery Compartment

I forgot to show you the "E9" Phone battery compartment on the review vid... Now here it is!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Digimon NEO ver.2 Review

Long time not posting another vid :) This time we've got the Digimon NEO ver.2 toy. :)Long time not posting another vid :) This time we've got the Digimon NEO ver.2 toy. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Weird Alarm clocks you never seen before!

These alarm clocks have interesting and weird functions. Lets check it out! :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nano Block Building- Grand Piano ver.

A nano ver. of lego and made in japan, these blocks are nice and high quality, but THEY ARE JUZ TOO FRAGILE!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

(MUST SEE) Samsung Galaxy Ace Review

the little sister of the Galaxy S, the Galaxy Ace have similar looks to the galaxy S, as well as the i Phone4. This sister of Galaxy S of course is not as powerful as the S, but it works great!

I've changed.... the intro AGAIN!

No. the tittle of this post does not meant that it will be SEASON 3 for Nintendy123. Of course its still season 2 but with a more MATURE and "Grown up" intro. NO words like fuck, bitch, cunt and anyother bad words included in the new intro, but its just using a different music and different intro. The music is John Cena's " Basic Thuganomics". I just used the ending part( No one sings in the end in that song :P). So here it is! WILL BE USING THIS FROM TODAY!

Bamboo tablet pen (PART 1)

A, wacom's brand, This pen is superb. (Almost, some Defects though.) Defects seen in PART 2( in a few weeks later) :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

'Microsoft office' Speaker review

Did you really think this is microsoft's product?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Z Bar Led Lamp

WOAH its Season 2 Already! And we kick in this Season 2 with a unconventional lamp- the Z-BAR. so don't change channel !

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nintendy Changed the youtube channel and new vid title and end

-Nintendy123 Channel-Nintendy is going to change the youtube channel- No, i don't mean that i am going to have a new one! I mean, i am quite bored of the "blueish" channel, so now, i made it black and red! :D if you like the blue color, let me know and i will change it back. New Video title is now a GBA with angel wings. And for the ending, It is still the Gameboy Colour, just the background is now black instead of blue. So after the "Sonic Gear Spark plugs" Review, you would expect the video title and ending changed completely. And NO, my voice and method of reviewing is still the same. And, maybe i won't use the Mario Theme song anymore, maybe, something else. if by demand, i will still include the mario theme again. Hope you all look forward to the next video!You will be suprised, i assured you! ^^

Saturday, March 12, 2011

SonicGear Spark Plug earplugs

Spark plugs? Probably my ear will light up with sparks! ^^ Good earplugs.

Great news- Limitless video Length!

I do not know why, but when i am uploading a video, youtube noted that now you can upload 15mins and over! So from today, there will be no part to part videos (Except if the video is 1hr long!)

Anyone know what is a bell?

Yeah, Fed up today. I was walking home in a typical manner, looking in front. A man riding a Bicycle Shouted, " EXCUSE ME!" My ear drums hurt  after he zipped past me. When he's infront, i clearly see a bell on his bike! Come on, is that  guy from the past or future? probably from the past in 1845 (Thats when bikes were invented) Anyway, i muttered cursing words and continued my journey way home. >:)

Friday, March 11, 2011

nintendy 123's website.

Warm welcome to my website, people. ^^ Well This site is obviously still under construction but, if u wanna donate items to me for reviewing, Email : Ty :) Btw This blog will be posting everyday life, or reviews on somethings (IN words not in videos) More things to be added soon. So stay Tuned!